Certificate In Medical Dresser

Duration: 6 Months | Eligibility: 10th Pass

About CMDA:

CMD is a Certificate program based on Grade 10. It assists a doctor, particularly while dressing lesions. When the right conditions are met, endorsement projects or courses in India are astonishingly convenient and only focus on a variety of skills.

The first medical aid provider, Dressers, operates a successful private and independent business without making a significant investment in infrastructure.


Upon successful completion of this course, they become Medical Dresser. This provides employment opportunities in:

Multispecialty Hospitals
Private Medical Clinic
Nursing Homes
Medical rooms
Private and Govt. Medical organizations

Course Highlights

Theory + Practical
200 Hours + 100 Hours
Clinical Internship
500 Hours
10th Pass
6 Months

Become a Paramedic and be a LIFE SAVIOUR

Academic Associations

Placement Partners

* Conditions Apply   ** Applied for

Student Speak

Video Testimonial

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